Video games make you terrible in bed


For men who have been longing for the day when science will discover the link between video games and improved sexual performance, this day has come.


A new study shows that gamers have a lower risk of premature ejaculation, but this is costly. (Image: gpointstudio/istock/gettyimages)

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A recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that men who played an hour-a-day video game had a lower risk of premature ejaculation.

But there's certainly a warning here before you open the console in the name of sexual desire and fasten your headphones. (You don't think things will be that simple, do you?) The study also found that one of the reasons for the low sexual satisfaction and premature ejaculation rate of gamers may be the ability of games to change the brain reward system.


In other words, men who often play video games may spend more time in bed because they just don't like sex. Ix! The impact of video games on interpersonal relationships has been well documented. Studies show that people become resentful when partners spend hours playing games at the expense of time or other responsibilities as couples. But the new study finds that there is a direct link between games and actual sexual behavior --- in particular, overuse of video games may have an impact on the closest aspects of men's lives, reports psypost.

According to the Daily Mail, how do researchers explain the negative effects of games on sexual behavior: playing video games releases high levels of dopamine (reward neurotransmitters), which is released before and during sexual pleasure? This may lead to an increase in hormone tolerance, which may lead to a decrease in interest in intimate relationships. Another possibility is that the stress caused by video games may lead to prolactinemia, an excess of prolactin hormones, leading to loss of libido and impotence. Researchers also hypothesized that some games had a greater negative impact on men's sexual life than others, but further research was needed.

So, players, be careful. Although your hobby may improve one skill, it may damage all other skills.

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? Are video games harmful to interpersonal relationships? What if a couple play together? Tell us in the comments!

