Four treatments for chronic tonsillitis


One of the only permanent treatments for chronic tonsillitis is tonsillectomy. This procedure is called tonsillectomy and can be performed if the patient meets the following criteria: five or more attacks of tonsillitis within a year, three or more attacks per year within two years, or infection of tonsillitis is ineffective for traditional therapies such as Ambiot. Integrated circuit.

Tonsillectomy includes removal of one or two tonsils. Although this is a very common operation, it does involve a very difficult post-operative recovery that can last for two weeks or more. Pain, bleeding and general anesthesia are major and uncomfortable side effects and risks of tonsillectomy.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> Doctor looked at a boy's tonsil. (Image: Frans rombout/istock/getty images)

One of the only permanent methods for the treatment of chronic tonsillitis is tonsillectomy. This procedure is called tonsillectomy and can be performed if the patient meets the following criteria: five or more attacks of tonsillitis within a year, three or more attacks per year within two years, or infection of tonsillitis is ineffective for traditional therapies such as Ambiot. Integrated circuit.

Tonsillectomy includes removal of one or two tonsils. Although this is a very common operation, it does involve a very difficult post-operative recovery that can last for two weeks or more. Pain, bleeding and general anesthesia are major and uncomfortable side effects and risks of tonsillectomy.

