Exercise after ovariectomy


Ovariectomy is the removal of one or two ovaries. In some cases, you may also remove the uterus or fallopian tube at the same time. Depending on the type of ovariectomy you perform, your recovery time will vary, but in both cases you need to limit your physical activity. When the doctor thinks you are well, he will approve you to exercise, but knowing all the facts may help ensure a quick and healthy recovery.

h3>Ovariectomyunilateral ovariectomy and bilateral ovariectomy. If you have cancer, endometriosis, fallopian tube ovarian abscess, benign cyst or ovarian distortion, your doctor may perform ovariectomy. Women at increased risk of breast or ovarian cancer may also undergo ovariectomy. Doctors have two ways to remove your ovaries. An abdominal incision may be made and the ovaries removed through the incision. The operation requires longer hospital stay and recovery time. Laparoscopic ovariectomy is performed by laparoscopy, requiring a small incision and a short recovery time.


On the same night of the operation, we encourage you to take a walk. Walking may help reduce the risk of blood clots, strengthen stomach muscles and encourage the digestive system to return to normal function, according to breastcancer. org. Once you get home, you need to limit your activity and your incision heals. If you have laparoscopic surgery, you will probably be able to resume normal exercise procedures relatively quickly. According to mayoclinic.com, most women can resume normal activity within six weeks after ovariectomy. With the recovery of the surgical site and energy, the daily activity is gradually increased.


recommended activity

Doctors usually recommend short walks after ovariectomy. Walk around your neighbors and gradually increase speed and distance as you recover. Stretching is a low-impact exercise that can help you regain your strength. New York University's Langong Medical Center points out that you can do simple housework. Mild exercise will help your body prepare to resume your normal exercise routine. Under the guidance of doctors, other sports such as weightlifting, swimming, sports and jogging are gradually added.


Do not carry out any heavy lifting during your recovery period. While you are recovering, take care of housework and childcare responsibilities, such as lifting your child up to someone else. If you have a fever, redness of the incision, bleeding or pus, or vaginal discharge, see a doctor immediately. Don't drive or have sex until your doctor tells you it's safe. New York University's Langong Medical Center suggests that a healthy diet is another way to promote appropriate rehabilitation.

