Three Differential Methods for Inflammatory Symptoms of Gastritis


Gastritis is a medical term used to refer to inflammation of the gastric wall. It is a disease of many causes, but regardless of its origin, symptoms are often similar. You may feel nauseous or less hungry than usual. Some people find that they have unexplained weight loss. You may feel uncomfortable feeling full after meals, especially in the upper abdomen. Or you may notice that you are often bloated and belching excessively. Gastritis patients often complain of indigestion, burning or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen. Eating can make the pain disappear or worsen.

Gastritis can cause your stool to blacken. Sometimes they may even contain blood. Hemorrhage caused by gastritis is rarely serious, but it should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

Gastritis can be acute or chronic, depending on your type, you may have slightly different symptoms. Sudden onset of acute gastritis can easily lead to burning pain and nausea. Chronic gastritis develops over time. Chronic gastritis patients are more likely to have satiety, pain is generally dull pain. It may be chronic gastritis, without any symptoms at all. If you have no symptoms, it is difficult to diagnose gastritis.


written in notebook gastritis. (picture: zerbor/istock/getty images)

Gastritis is a medical term used to refer to gastric wall inflammation. It is a disease of many causes, but regardless of its origin, symptoms are often similar. You may feel nauseous or less hungry than usual. Some people find that they have unexplained weight loss. You may feel uncomfortable feeling full after meals, especially in the upper abdomen. Or you may notice that you are often bloated and belching excessively. Gastritis patients often complain of indigestion, burning or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen. Eating can make the pain disappear or worsen.

Gastritis can cause your stool to blacken. Sometimes they may even contain blood. Hemorrhage caused by gastritis is rarely serious, but it should be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

Gastritis can be acute or chronic, depending on your type, you may have slightly different symptoms. Sudden onset of acute gastritis can easily lead to burning pain and nausea. Chronic gastritis develops over time. Chronic gastritis patients are more likely to have satiety, pain is generally dull pain. It may be chronic gastritis, without any symptoms at all. If you have no symptoms, it is difficult to diagnose gastritis.

