Taraji P. Hansen did this on an empty stomach and landed in the emergency room.


Taking painkillers and regularly drinking coffee on an empty stomach can lead to problems: Just ask Taraji P. Hansen, who recently made public her long experience of fighting gastritis.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> Taraji P. Henson had difficulty in taking ibuprofen and drinking coffee on an empty stomach. He learned a health lesson. (Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images)

The "Empire" star said that she used to take ibuprofen and drink coffee before meals, which could lead to some serious stomach problems.

& "I'm going to have a game where I can't hold anything down, even water," Hansen told Dillish three times how she ended up in the emergency room. Eventually she learned she had gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach wall. Although many factors contribute to this, she realizes that one of the bad habits in her life - eating ibuprofen and coffee on an empty stomach - is the main culprit.

-Even if it says don't go on an empty stomach, when you're 16 years old, you have a menstrual cycle and you feel pain, you turn around and drink ibuprofen, and you don't want anything. She said it was years of effort and years of drinking coffee on an empty stomach. & That's a negative negation. This is the cumulative effect of all these things. & Fortunately, most cases of gastritis can be controlled and treated, usually through over-the-counter drugs, dietary adjustment and behavioral changes. In addition to stopping painkillers and coffee rituals, the 46-year-old woman tried to balance her body system for the first time because her body produced too much acid.


-She revealed: "I drink about 32 ounces of bone marrow a day to cover and arrange my stomach." & I ate a lot of coconut oil and Bragg vinegar.

Her breakfast now includes a low-sugar cereal, such as a special K or four boiled eggs and fermented vegetables (any fermented food contains digestive probiotics). & "I like delicious pickles," she added. For lunch and dinner, she had boiled chicken and fried zucchini or spinach. & "It's almost like I'm going to strip everything out of my body," she explained. "I'm going to slowly bring solid matter back into my body -- like a baby." She added that she could not eat anything fried.

Henson maintains that one of the most important components of her diet, or any one of them, is related to food preparation. Preparations help calm my nerves. That way, when I'm in the outside world and at McDonald's there, I don't want to be like that - I have some bars or proteins in my wallet, she said.

She pointed out that the star worked with Kellogg, who recently published a study that found that most women spend an entire hour a day indulging in their diet, equivalent to 15 days a year. & "My mission is to save women so that they are no longer in my position," she told People magazine. & You don't want to wake up one day or lower the water. Those food choices took me to the emergency room, and I just didn't want another woman to experience them. Choosing what we eat and what we put in our bodies can prevent this from happening. & quot;

Next time you need to prescribe some ibuprofen before meals or consider drinking coffee on an empty stomach, consider chasing both with milk. It helps to reduce gastric acid and the chance of stimulation.

What do you think? Did you know that taking painkillers or drinking coffee on an empty stomach can affect your health? Have you ever had gastritis? How did you deal with it?

