Marie Forleo shared her secret of avoiding exhaustion


Mary Folio is the host of Mary TV. She knows everything about her busy life. After leaving the business world, forleo founded a successful life coaching company that now includes weekly programs, online training courses and a Book hosted by marietv. She claims to be a passionate entrepreneur.


span= "article-image caption-class"> life coach Mary Folio said that doing less can help you accomplish more. In this week's Livestrong.Com podcast, host Michelle Vartan talks with Forleo about how to manage stress (even good stress!) Avoid burnout and reduce work to achieve more.

Forleo&39; Productivity skills include creating a regular meditation exercise, exercising, making a to-do list before bed, and making time to listen to music and play. She is particularly keen on career advice, such as knowing when and how to reject less suitable opportunities, and using her working hours as much as possible to achieve more goals by reducing the workload. & quot;

Read more : Fifteen foods can make you more efficient, and five foods should be avoided

What do you think? Which decompression methods are effective for you? Have you ever had to refuse a good job because it's not suitable? Share your stress management skills in the comments below!

