Open your eyes while exercising


Your pupil size fluctuates dozens of times a day due to changes in light. Assuming you don't exercise in the dark, if your pupils expand during exercise, other factors will also play a role. Expanded pupils should be at a lower level in your list of concerns unless they are accompanied by other symptoms, but be aware that your pupils can provide you with clues as to whether to exercise as safely as possible.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> enlarged pupils are easy to find. (Image: Hemera technologies/ images)

Fundamentals of pupil dilation

The round dark pupil in the color iris becomes larger or larger, so that more light can enter the eye if necessary. When you are in a dark place, your pupils will expand and become smaller once exposed to light. When you are under tremendous pressure, your pupils dilate; your body sees stress as a sign of threat, so biologically, it absorbs more light, so you can cope with the danger. Pupil enlargement may also be caused by heat stress or drug use, which may be a sign of medical problems, or may indicate that you are attracted to the person you are looking at.

If you dilate your pupils after prolonged exercise on hot days, it may be heatstroke or heatstroke. These conditions occur when your body is overheated and dehydrated. Pupil dilation alone is not a sign of heatstroke, but can also be accompanied by headache, nausea, cramps and extreme thirst. If you have symptoms of heatstroke, you must stop exercising and immediately start drinking water and electrolytes instead of drinks. If you don't treat heatstroke, it will develop. The most dangerous symptoms include skin fever, paleness, rapid pulse, and pupil dilation, which is maintained in the light. If you suspect that you have heatstroke, please call the first aid phone.


Because dilated pupils are your body's natural response to stress and danger, and exercise can help you reduce stress, you are unlikely to dilate your pupils in yoga classes or jog in the neighborhood. However, if your exercise is stressful, your pupils may dilate because your body is stressed. Climbing or participating in boot camp-style sports classes, coupled with screaming coaches, may send a "fight or flight" signal to your brain. As long as you stretch, drink more water, stop exercising if you feel pain or sickness, you can continue to exercise vigorously, but if you feel anxious during exercise, change to a lower-key exercise.

concussion or other causes of brain injury are usually temporary, usually accompanied by nausea and dizziness. Pupil enlargement may be a sign of severe concussion in your brain, so if you find the symptoms after kowtowing or being hit in the head by a ball, see a doctor immediately. Some drugs, such as cannabis, cocaine and amphetamine, can cause pupil enlargement. If you're under the influence of drugs, don't exercise. They can dull your senses and reactions and increase the risk of injury.

