Lumbago and Skateboarding


Your back is particularly vulnerable to injury in skateboarding because it absorbs most of the impact when you fall and land, and it also participates in balancing and twisting movements. Lower back pain can be caused by different types of injuries and can be prevented by strengthening exercise and stretching.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> A teenage girl is skateboarding. (Picture: Plush Studio/Blend Images/Getty Images)

Muscle Injury

One of the reasons for skateboarders'low back pain is muscle injury. Like all muscles in the body, sudden exercise can damage back muscles. The basic forward movement of your posture, including bending your torso and thighs into a V-shaped shape, may strain your lower back. Poor posture and overuse can also cause muscle damage, resulting in muscle spasm and pain when used. Muscle sprains are classified into grades 1, 2 or 3 according to the severity of the injury. According to Sports Injuryclinic. net, grade 1 tear can cause slight discomfort, while grade 3 sprain can make walking difficult and cause severe pain and swelling around injured muscles. spinal injury lower back pain can also be a problem affecting the spine itself. Skateboarders usually hit the ground with their feet or buttocks, and the impact is transmitted through the spine. Spondylolisthesis, also known as spondylolisthesis, can lead to progressive deterioration of back pain. Impact injuries can also damage the spine and intervertebral discs, which can also cause lower back pain in skateboarders.

Lower back pain can be treated by rest, ice compress, compression and elevation, sometimes also known as rice. A strap or crutch may help provide additional support for your back. If the pain is severe or worsens over time, you may need to see a back specialist to ensure that your spinal cord is not injured. Licensed back specialists can also prescribe medications, specific exercises or massages to relieve pain.


In addition to avoiding hard landing and sudden movement, skateboarders can also prevent back pain by keeping their back strong. Back exercises will help provide additional support to the spine and reduce the risk of injury. Partial sit-ups can increase back strength by lifting shoulders and head slightly off the ground. Other recommended exercises include supine, knee-to-chest and pelvic lift.

