Rhombic strain of golf


Although lower back injuries are common among golfers, diamond-shaped muscles in the upper back may also be injured in golf. The triangular rhomboid muscle is located between the scapula and connects the medial edge of the scapula with the spine. Muscle-strained golfers may need to avoid playing until they recover and learn techniques to prevent the diamond from being injured again when they return to the game.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> a man is playing golf. (Image: purestock/purestock/getty images)


Rhombic strain usually occurs in people who participate in activities or sports requiring arms to be raised repeatedly over their heads, such as tennis or baseball. However, if a golfer often carries a heavy golf bag on one shoulder for a long time, or repeatedly swings the club with great strength, she may experience diamond strain. A study on golf injuries published in North American Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic in 2006 also reported that older golfers are more likely to suffer diamond-shaped injuries when swinging repeatedly.



Golf players with diamond muscle strain will directly feel intense burning pain or tension between scapulae. Pain may increase when the shoulder moves or breathes deeply. Golf players may experience too much pain to move their arms freely, especially when muscle tissue swells and compresses nerves in the spinal cord. The area between the scapulae may be soft to touch. The initial treatment of rhombic strain is to reduce muscle inflammation. Doctors recommend freezing in the area every three to four hours after injury for two to three days, 20 to 30 minutes at a time. If the pain persists, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. After pain is controlled, golfers should treat tension through massage, gentle stretching and rehabilitation exercises designed to strengthen rhomboids and surrounding back and shoulder muscles. According to plastic surgeon Paul Scott Shapiro, golfers may need two to six weeks to fully recover from diamond strain. During this time, you should not play golf or engage in any activities that increase diamond pain.


There are three ways to prevent rhomboid muscle strain related to golf: warm up thoroughly before playing golf, don't just put golf bag on one shoulder, and take strength training as part of daily exercise to enhance muscle strength. Before playing, set aside 20 minutes for a walk. Some slight stretches are concentrated on the shoulders and back. Some relaxed swings are practiced. After the game, take another 20 minutes to stretch again and calm down. Use a golf bag with two shoulder straps so that you can distribute the weight evenly on both shoulders, or invest in a golf cart with wheels.

