Drink milk and honey as chest decongestants


Chest congestion is usually a symptom of upper respiratory tract infection. Air flows into the lungs through the bronchus, which contains mucus-producing membranes to prevent irritation. If your bronchial tract is inflamed, the mucosa will produce too much mucus, causing chest congestion. Different over-the-counter medications can help treat chest tightness, or you can try home remedies, such as honey. Milk does not alleviate congestion, but it does not worsen symptoms.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> A 2007 study of children aged 2 to 18 years showed that honey may help alleviate the problem. Chest tightness. (Image: stockbyte/stockbyte/getty images)


A 2007 study showed that honey may help alleviate symptoms associated with chest tightness. The study, published in the Archives of Childhood and Adolescent Medicine, examined the effects of honey on cough compared with over-the-counter cough medicines. Children aged 2 to 18 either take a dose of honey or honey-flavored dextromethorphan or receive no treatment. Researchers found that children treated with honey had the most significant symptomatic relief. The University of Maryland Medical Center reported that there was no evidence that milk or other dairy products increased or aggravated mucus associated with chest congestion. However, milk does not alleviate symptoms. Milk contains amino acid tryptophan, which helps sleep. If your chest congestion causes difficulty sleeping, a cup of hot milk may help.

suggests that mixing honey with hot lemon juice can help relieve sore throats that may be accompanied by chest congestion. Night cough is a common symptom of chest congestion. Taking 2 teaspoons of honey before bed may help relieve cough. You can also mix 2 teaspoons of honey into a hot drink, such as milk, if you can't mix the honey in its original flavor. Hot drinks help to relieve chest congestion caused by hot steam.


If you have chest tightness, please consult your doctor. Although chest congestion is usually a symptom of upper respiratory tract infection, it may also be a sign of more severe respiratory diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or lung cancer. Heart disease can also cause chest congestion. Milk and honey can be an effective family therapy; however, do not give honey to children under one year old. A rare but serious form of food poisoning, called infantile botulism, can occur in infants who ingest honey.

