Ankle swelling at night


Ankle swelling is common during pregnancy or after injury, but if your ankle swells mainly at night, you may have potential medical conditions. Ankle swelling may be accompanied by other symptoms, which are easier to identify the cause, but consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> Bandage may be helpful if ankle swelling is caused by injury. (Image: abdone/istock/getty images)

Heart failure and polyuria can cause ankle swelling. Your weak heart can't pump blood effectively, which can cause hydrocele in your limbs. Swelling of ankles and legs is called peripheral edema, which is usually caused by right-sided heart failure. This may lead to nocturnal polyuria or frequent nocturnal urination. Your body converts excess fluid into urine, causing you to wake up repeatedly at night and urinate. Other symptoms of heart failure include excessive fatigue and shortness of breath.

Venous obstruction of blood flow from the legs to the heart can also lead to night swelling. This swelling may disappear in the morning, as reclining counteracts the effect of gravity on inhaling blood into the legs. Varicose veins are a possible cause. To help the blood flow upward, your vein has a one-way valve, several inches apart. When varicose veins occur, valves leak and elevated blood pressure hinders blood drainage, which may lead to swelling and poor circulation. Another possibility is lymphedema, a disease in which blood vessels of the lymphatic system are blocked, causing fluid accumulation and swelling. h3>gynecological diseases

gynecological diseases may hinder the flow of blood from the legs to the heart, resulting in swelling of ankles at night and looking normal in the morning. Ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids can restrict blood flow and oppress the bladder, leading to increased urination. Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled growth, usually benign. There may be cysts on the ovary, which do not cause symptoms. Cysts usually disappear spontaneously, but may cause complications such as sexual intercourse pain, lower abdominal pain and ovarian cancer. Uterine leiomyomas grow in the uterus; they are non-cancerous and rarely cause symptoms.

Ankle sprain can cause nocturnal swelling. Common types of sprain injury, such as ankle fracture, lateral ligament tear and tendon or nerve injury of ankle joint, are common. You may also experience ankle instability, difficulty walking, tenderness, pain and stiffness. Ankle sprains may require only basic treatment, such as ice compress, rest, elastic ankle support and elevation. Ankle sprain injuries are usually more severe and may require fixation and medication to reduce swelling and physiotherapy.

