Can barley water alleviate leg swelling during pregnancy?


Leg swelling during pregnancy is common and does not necessarily cause concern. Changes in hormone levels, body posture and eating habits can lead to fluid retention or edema in the legs. Barley water is a relatively healthy beverage that is considered to have mild diuretic properties, including increased urination, resulting in the loss of excess liquids. Diuretics help reduce leg swelling, although barley water has not been well studied. Consult your doctor about edema during pregnancy and ask for natural treatment.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> pregnant women sitting in bed drinking a glass of water. (Image: Shironosov/iStock/Getty Images)


is that too much water is retained in the tissue. Because of gravity, water often gathers around the legs, especially around the feet and ankles. According to Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, edema is most common during pregnancy and in the elderly, although edema can occur at any age. Edema is not an inflammatory reaction and usually does not involve pain; on the contrary, it usually represents hormone imbalance, excessive salt intake or inadequate protein intake. Less commonly, leg swelling represents lymphatic or vascular problems, heart disease or kidney failure. During pregnancy,

changes in hormones and hemolysis often result in fluid temporarily transferring from lymph and blood vessels to tissues due to osmotic processes. In addition, the pressure of uterine growth on the pelvic and vena cava slows the blood reflux in the legs, leading to hydrops. Leg edema and swelling may occur at any stage of pregnancy, but they are most common after the fourth month. Factors leading to deterioration of swelling include high salt diet, standing or sitting for a long time, and inadequate drinking water. Barley water is a popular British drink, which is distilled from barley and mixed with citrus fruits and sweeteners. More specifically, it is made by boiling, filtering, and then pouring hot water over the peel or pulp of citrus fruits, usually lemons or oranges. Then add the juice and sugar according to the taste. According to the book Principles and Practice of Plant Therapy, barley water is a good source of natural fibers, magnesium and lignans.

According to textbooks on nutritional medicine, insoluble fibers are beneficial to digestion, may help to reduce cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and gallstone formation. Magnesium is essential for bone health and enzymatic function. Lignans are strong antioxidants, which can reduce the negative effects of free radicals. As a folk medicine, barley water is used to treat cystitis and as a mild diuretic, although there is no scientific study to prove its effectiveness. Magnesium is known to promote defecation, but no compound in barley water is recognized as a diuretic. However, barley water is mainly water, which helps to dilute excess salt in the blood and reduce edema. Before supplementing barley water, consult your doctor and ask about other natural ways to relieve edema.

