Muscle soreness? Eight ways to relieve pain


First thing: What happens when your muscles feel pain?


span= "article-image_ caption-inner"> muscle ache? We have eight ways to relieve pain. (Image: josuozkaritz/istock/gettyimages)

Increasing within 24 to 48 hours after exercise is not called delayed muscle soreness. Mild muscle strain can cause tiny tearing of muscle fibers, which can cause a little pain. The pain should be mild, just to show that the muscles are adapting to your fitness program. The following are eight ways to relieve muscle soreness. Moving your body: You probably don't want to do more, but walking and getting up from your office chair can help relax painful muscles and make the surrounding area less rigid. Exercise also increases blood flow and oxygen in sore muscles and helps to decompose lactic acid, a natural by-product that can cause burning sensations in your muscles when your body is tired. Warm-up: When exercising, we must start with proper warming-up. Getting your muscles and tendons ready for exercise is the key to preventing injuries. 3. Stretch: Stretch each muscle for 20 to 30 seconds. Don't rebound your muscles. On the contrary, we should hold this position. 4. Massage and tumbling: massage the most cost-effective way to help you relieve pain is frothing. Tennis and/or Lacrosse can also miracle the body. Foam roller is a powerful tool that allows you to massage and work on the connective tissue layer around your muscles.

p>strong>5. Ice compress: When your muscles are really sore or your legs are too tired, a 10-minute ice bath can work wonders. Add two spoonfuls of Epson salt to warm water, then add two bags of ice and cold water. It's going to be cold, but believe me, you'll feel much better when you come out. Cold water can relieve pain by increasing blood circulation. It is a good anti-inflammatory drug and can greatly accelerate the healing speed. That's why elite athletes always go into the freezer after training - it helps their muscles recover faster. 6. Flushing: If you can't stand a strong ice bath, try popular flushing techniques. Rinse your sore muscles with hot water for two minutes, then rinse them immediately with cold water for 30 seconds. Repeat five times. Hot and cold water opens and closes your blood vessels back and forth, which helps drain lactic acid from your sore muscles. 7. Adding protein: One way to help muscle recover faster is to supplement protein. Muscles, like sponges, wait to replenish the energy reserves that are depleted during exercise. Protein has several important functions in the body, but in exercise and strength training, one of the most important functions for you is to develop muscle sculpture to help muscles recover faster. Don't forget to eat and turn over all the hard work in the training class. But remember: you have to eat within 30 minutes of exercise. Even if it's just a glass of low-fat chocolate almond milk, or a meal with complex carbohydrates and proteins, such as quinoa salad or roast chicken breast, potatoes and vegetables. 8. Drink water: Without water, your body will not work properly. Dehydration can cause cramps in your body and aggravate soreness, so you must drink more water.

