A new drug can make baldness a thing of the past


If you're experiencing hair loss and are not satisfied with it, there's good news: according to the latest research, the treatment of baldness may be in our future.


Scientists may have found a way to end hair loss. (Image: m-imagephotography/istock/gettyimages)

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A study published in Nature Cell Biology says scientists believe they have discovered how to activate mouse hair. Stem cells can grow, and even two experimental drugs have been designed to eventually cure baldness. The Secret of Activation? The amount of a substance called lactic acid in cells. Confused? What you really need to know is that scientists genetically modified mice and found that increasing lactic acid in follicular stem cells stimulates the activation of follicular stem cells and promotes hair formation. What a god!

Until then, no one knew that increasing or decreasing lactic acid would affect hair follicle stem cells, explained William Lorry, professor of molecular, cellular and developmental biology at the University of California, Los Angeles. & Once we see how changing the production of lactic acid in mice affects hair growth, it leads us to look for potential drugs that can be applied to the skin and have the same effect. & quot;


Researchers have identified two drugs that promote the production of lactic acid by hair follicle stem cells when applied to the skin of mice: the first drug (rcgd423) directly increases the production of lactic acid. Another drug, known as UK5099, has the opposite effect. It prevents another cell substance called pyruvate from entering the mitochondria, which in turn causes hair follicle stem cells to produce lactic acid and hair growth. Keep in mind that neither of these experimental drugs has been tested in humans or approved by the fda. But scientists hope that the study will eventually help millions of men and women lose their hair, which may be caused by a variety of factors, including nutrition, genes, hormones and aging.

If, like Instagram star Kayla Itsines, the 26-year-old Australian coach and creator of the Bikini Body Guide (BBG), recently revealed that her hair loss was due to genetic reasons, you might want to consider using this product at any time.

Hopefully researchers will find a cure for baldness and alopecia in the near future, but before that, here are the top ten best treatments for alopecia.

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What do you think? Do you think the cure for baldness is coming soon? Are you excited about the new research? If you suffer from hair loss, what do you use to treat it?

