Naked sleepers can brag about these health benefits


Sleep: We all like it, want more, want to improve it. But do you know that throwing away your pajamas and sleeping in your birthday suit can actually help you get rid of your dreams to the fullest extent?


(image: svetikd/e+/gettyimages)

5. It's obvious that it ignites your sexual life. Sleep naked with your partner, and you may do more than sleep. Skin contact with a partner promotes oxytocin production in the brain.

p>Oxytocin (also known as "feeling good" and "binding hormone") can improve sexual response and orgasm intensity. So the more often you sleep together naked, the more oxytocin is released and the more exciting your sex life is.

Naked sleep with a partner means higher levels of oxytocin, which means you may have more sex, " says psy.d. Fran Wolfish, a Beverly Hills family and relationship psychotherapist, author of self-conscious parents. 6. Helps to reduce blood, when it comes to oxytocin, which not only helps to stimulate your sexual life, but also helps to lower your blood pressure. So if you're the type of person who's stressed out during the day, try to sleep naturally and see what happens.


-Oxytocin can overcome stress and depression, and even lower blood pressure! & Dr. Wolfish said. Sleeping naked with your partner causes the brain to release more oxytocin, which in turn lowers cortisol levels in the body. This helps to lower blood pressure.

h3>7. It boosts your emotional self-confidence and means sleeping better. Sleeping well means improving mood and social relationships. A study published in the Journal of Sex Research in 2008 found that the longer you stay naked, the more comfortable you are to wear your skin. Studies show that naked students are more comfortable with their bodies and have a more positive attitude towards others than anti-naked students.

As humans, we don't often get naked, so sleeping naked can help us get more in touch with and feel our bodies, said Neil Robinson, a Sealy UK sleep spokesman. & Conversely, it can help us feel more self-acceptance and comfort for our skin, enhance physical confidence and improve our mood.

