How to give nasal water without salt spray?


Dry nose can cause itching, burning, and sometimes bleeding. Although there are several reasons for drying the nose, there are limited remedies to combat drying. Saline spray is one of the main ways to treat nasal dryness, but if you want to avoid using it, there are other ways to promote more moisture in the nose.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> lubricate the inner nostril to treat dry nose. (Picture: Design Picture/Design Picture/Getty Picture)

Increasing liquid intake

Keeping moisture helps to produce mucus regularly. The current guidelines are to drink at least eight 8 ounces of water a day, including tea and juice. However, in hot months, you should drink more water than juice, because too much sugar can promote dehydration. If your dry nose is caused by dehydration, you may also experience dry mouth, increased thirst, dry skin, reduced urine volume, constipation or dizziness.


Increase humidity

One way to promote nasal mucus secretion is to use humidifier to keep the surrounding air moist. A humidifier called a vaporizer promotes humidity by boiling water and releasing steam through vents or holes at the top of the vaporizer. Some carburetors also have a compartment to add liquid decongestants. Making your environment wetter prevents your nostrils from drying out in a few months, where there is little moisture. Be sure to clean the humidifier regularly, because molds and bacteria will grow inside the humidifier, and mold spores may be released with the mist.

H3>Anti-moisturizerP>If you want to avoid using saline nasal spray, you can use over-the-counter moisturizer. These moisturizers are formulated to quickly relieve nasal dryness. If you can't find a moisturizer, you can also use water-based lubricants. Spray the lubricant on the cotton swab and rub it in the nostril. Put the lubricant in the nostril. Be careful not to go too far behind the nostrils, as this can irritate the inner wall of the nasal cavity and cause bleeding. If you have Vaseline in your home, you can rub it in your nose to relieve it; however, prolonged use of Vaseline in your nose can cause lung problems. Prescription drugs

can be used to increase the moisture in your nose. Liposome nasal spray (lipopolysaccharide), nasal ointment, dextrotropopl (BANPAN) and NaCL (RHNOMER) spray are examples of these drugs.


Check the side effects of any drug you are taking, because some drugs may cause dehydration or reduce mucus secretion. If the drug is the culprit, consult your doctor and he may change your prescription. If your nose is dry and bleeding at the same time, please contact your doctor.

