Toast and tea for vomiting


The impulse to vomit is caused by a variety of factors, but it usually represents your body trying to get rid of something pathogenic or toxic. Food poisoning is a common cause of vomiting. If not controlled, it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Therefore, it is valuable to understand some family therapies to limit vomiting. Eating toast or tea can help you stop vomiting, but you should contact your doctor or poison control center for professional advice and guidance.


span= "article-image inner caption-block"> four pieces of bread in the toaster. (picture: monkeybusiness image s/istock/getty images)

causes of vomiting

According to Harrison Principles, vomiting is usually a safe mechanism for the body to get rid of infectious sources or toxic compounds, and should be encouraged to a certain extent. However, sometimes the mechanism of vomiting is replaced by pathogens as an adaptive strategy for self-transmission and infection. That's why food poisoning often involves excessive vomiting and diarrhea; microorganisms are replicating themselves and trying to spread to other hosts. Excessive vomiting needs to be controlled, otherwise it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, which can be fatal in a few days.

toast therapy is a folk therapy to control nausea and vomiting, which is based on sound biochemical principles. According to Human Biochemistry, carbon in charred bread absorbs impurities and toxins, which act as a filter to prevent some compounds and microorganisms from passing through the intestinal mucosa. However, burnt bread and other burnt foods are not charco. This is a drug used by hospitals to treat alcohol, drugs and food poisoning. Specifically, the hospital uses activated carbon, which is stronger than ordinary activated carbon and has stronger absorption capacity. Compounds in burnt foods can be harmful if ingested in large quantities. Black tea is another folk medicine that can reduce vomiting because it contains tannins. According to the book Phytotherapy Principles and Practices: Modern Herbs, tannins are astringent compounds that inactivate toxic and infectious elements in the digestive system, although excessive amounts can cause abdominal cramps and pain. Many tannins, but it does show antioxidant and mild antibiotic properties, and its acidity is much lower than black tea. Tea of any type is also a good source of hydration, although both black and green tea contain caffeine, which is a powerful diuretic.

Note: Vomiting is an ideal antidote in most cases, but sometimes it is best to prevent vomiting. If you swallow some commercial products containing strong acids, alkalis or oil, it is often recommended that you lower the poison and wait for emergency medical assistance. If you can't keep any toast, tea or water for more than a day, please contact your doctor immediately.

