The lead singer of Canada's largest rock band is still in vogue despite suffering from brain cancer.


Poet Dylan Thomas warned us, "Don't go into that good night tenderly." Unfortunately for the Canadian band's lead singer, Hip took this advice to heart in the face of advanced cancer.


img style=" margin left: auto; margin right: auto; display: block; "src=" "/> image span=" image caption inner "> donation to GORD brain cancer research fund can be made at https://sunbrook. Get SPAN > (Image: SunyBurk Foundation / Gord Downie Brain Tumor Research Foundation) P > Read more: Best Friend, Really! Shannen Doherty said that her dog first discovered her cancer

and most importantly, to live the life you love, besides inspiring fans with his irrepressible spirit, Downey's efforts have a side effect: The GoldDowney Brain Cancer Research Fund has raised more than $265,000 and continues to grow. Downey is one of these fans. Canadian Prime Minister Jusin Trudeau posted a picture from the backstage of the band on Twitter on Saturday, August 20, in which he thanked Downey.

