Suffocation is now a trend: that's why it's dangerous


We've all been there: traffic jams, desperate to urinate (for example, as soon as possible). It's not a pleasant feeling, is it? Well, urination is the latest trend. In order to stimulate a strong, physical sense of relaxation, women intentionally hold their urine when someone first appears after a long period of urination. Ladies, be careful. This is a very dangerous trend that may cause permanent damage to the lower half of you.


span= "article-image caption-inner"> Doctor warned not to "urinate". (picture: twenty20/@sstodola)

How did the peegasm trend come into being? "So my girlfriend recently told me that if she wanted to urinate for a while, when she really wanted to urinate, she would often have an orgasm, feeling from the spine to the head," wrote one reddit user.

& If she turns the Kegel card upside down when she urinates, that's more likely to happen, continued the curious poster. & She says these orgasms sometimes make her dizzy and out of balance, completely different from clitoral or vaginal orgasms.

Some redditors responded by detailing their own peegas experience. & "It feels like a sensational massage," wrote one user.


Another said, "I don't often work for them. Most of them are accidents, but it's a beautiful accident."

Dr Jamin Brahmbhatt, general manager of the personalized urology and robotics clinics at South Lake Hospital and Orlando Health, told that trying to achieve peegasm poses some serious health risks. First of all, he said, suffocation can cause urine to return to the kidney, leading to kidney dysfunction.

It may also cause the bladder to stretch outward and lose its ability to completely empty, a bit like a balloon, he said. In addition, bladder rupture is also possible. & Dr Brahmbart explained: "I did see some bad things happening when people's bladders are full, such as car accidents, bladder ruptures."

Finally, constant urination can lead to bacterial accumulation in the bladder, increasing your risk of recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI). Do we need to say more?

Although it is absolutely undesirable to hold urine for peeping, there is a scientific explanation for why having to go may cause sexual pleasure. According to Dr. Brahmbart, many of the pelvic muscles used in sex contract when you try to avoid urinating. And, like at orgasm, when you urinate, these muscles relax at the same time, creating a pleasant feeling. However, the risk of this strange trend is greater than the return. & Dr. Brahmbart suggests that there are too many drawbacks to doing this. What I want to say is: find another way to find sexual pleasure, because there are thousands of ways to be safer. & quot;

What do you think? What do you think of this dangerous trend? Have you ever experienced peeping? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

