This is what the happiest people have in common.


What do the happiest people value most? According to a new study, there are many factors that affect your overall well-being, and a good night, solid friendship and good sex rank in the top five.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> facts show that the key to happiness is sleep and sex. (Picture: @Laurenpitylak Via twenty20)

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organized by the Oxford Center for Economic and Social Research for the Living Well Index, researchers asked more than 8,250 Britons to fill it out. Write a questionnaire about their lifestyle to determine what really defines a happy life. The national score of

was calculated on the basis of the results of 18 different themes, which were divided into six categories: community relations, finance, relationships, health, lifestyle and environment.

These factors explain the difference in quality of life and well-being between the upper and lower 20% of the population:

  1. sleep quality
  2. support network
  3. sexual life satisfaction
  4. mental health
  5. economic activities
  6. outdoor activities
  7. overdue debts(i.e. unpaid payments)

study The researchers developed a score-based system, which they used to calculate scores. They found that the average person's quality of life score was 62.2, and the top 20% scored between 72 and 92. What makes the top 20% different from others? You may be surprised.

First of all, the happiest people sleep better. According to the survey, a good night's sleep is worth more than quadrupling your disposable income. Those who had the most rest were 15 points higher than those who had difficulty falling asleep. & The researchers explained that better sleep was the biggest factor in improving life.


According to the Mayo Clinic, adults should have seven to eight hours of sleep a night to fully enjoy the benefits of good night rest, including boosting the immune system and more mental and physical strength. It is not surprising that sleep also plays such an important role in the lifestyle and training of professional athletes.

For happy people, job security and health status of close relatives are also good (and treated like this), as is building real, living and non-virtual relationships with people around them, such as their neighbors. & Researchers write that building stronger local relationships can improve our quality of life scores by nearly two points, making life happier and more satisfying. Social relationships not only make you happier, but also are good for your health. Some studies have concluded that having a positive and fulfilling social life is essential to maintaining good health, especially for adolescents and the elderly. So leave all the social media and introduce yourself to the crazy cat girl on the street. (She's actually a real sweetheart)

And don't feel guilty about spending money on brunch with friends: Studies have found that eating brunch in social situations increases your score by nearly one point, equivalent to doubling your disposable income. So basically, most people get as much satisfaction when they eat avocado toast as those who get a big raise. Not surprisingly, the happiest people also had better sex, with nearly two-thirds of the top 20 percent expressing satisfaction between sheets. Obviously, having an active sex life has many benefits, and happiness is only one of them. Not having sex can also have a negative impact on your health. A recent study found that sex on work nights can even be beneficial to a person's career because they may perform better in the office the next day.

So the secret of happiness is to have a good rest, make good friends and have sex. Sounds like we're right!

Analysis shows that in a world that has never been so closely linked, the richness of interpersonal relationships and support networks is still one of the greatest determinants of our quality of life, representing the areas of life in which we can act. F Consultation with Oxford School of Economics. If you want to be a happier person, here are 12 traits found in truly happy people to get some inspiration.

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? Are you surprised by the findings of the study

? What makes your life happiest? What else can make you happy?

