Should your emotions be blamed for your arthralgia?


Unfortunately, pain is part of life. When you wake up in the morning, you may find your hips very tight or your knees stinging as you walk. There may be many reasons for those annoying pains: sitting too long, replacing legs with back lifts, certain types of exercise, such as running or cycling, or sudden onset of old injuries.


span="article-image_ inner caption-block"> often helps. (picture: dima_sidelnikov/istock/gettyimages)

3. Find a good psychologist and you can also find relief through body-centered psychotherapy. As mentioned above, sensorimotor therapy (also known as body-centered talk therapy) can help you overcome emotional and physical pain at the same time. The working principle of

is to combine traditional conversation therapy with teaching clients to know their bodies better. They learn to keep in touch with the body, and use this body consciousness to release the body's stress in unconscious situations.

or look at the resources provided by the West German Institute of Traumatic Stress Education and Publicity for trauma survivors, which can guide you or your spouse in the right direction.

What do you think? Do you have low back pain, hip pain or knee pain? Have you ever thought about emotional factors? Have you ever done these stretching exercises? Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

