How to judge whether your legs are mainly muscles or fat


You have been faithfully exercising leg-specific exercises, including cycling, hiking, squatting and lifting. Your goal is to get thinner, but your thighs and calves seem to get bigger and bigger.


span= "article-image caption-inner"> mirror can give you a clue to your leg makeup. (Image: srdjanpav/istock/gettyimages)

If your legs are a typical problem area, it is difficult to judge whether you are gaining weight or obese. Especially in the early stages of fitness, when the muscles are covered by a layer of adipose tissue, this is especially true.

Muscles are thinner and healthier tissues through exercise and your day. It's stronger and won't sway into your jeans. Some clues will let you know if you have more of this ideal tissue in your legs than fat.


According to the online publication Gender Differences in Fat Metabolism of the University of New Mexico, there are significant differences between men and women in how to metabolize and store excess fat.

In hermaphrodite or pear-shaped individuals, excess fat is more likely to be distributed in the legs and buttocks than in the abdomen. The pistil type is more common in females. By contrast, most men with excess fat have Android or apple bodies, where fat is more easily stored in and around the abdomen. If your lower body is always heavy, it's probably the way you store fat. Even if you lose weight, you'll still be as tall as a pear --- even though you've lost fat all over your body, including your legs.

Considering your body size, your body size is a measure of your metabolism and how your body uses and stores fat. You have a genetic predisposition to certain body types. Unlike the ectoderm and mesoderm, the endoderm is effective in storing fat, making the body look round or soft. However, self-deforming tends to have very strong lower body muscles. These muscles are one of the biggest in your body, which means keeping them healthy will improve your metabolic rate. Compared with muscle, autologous fat is also more likely to increase fat, making untrained legs more likely to contain disproportionate fat.

In order to determine whether you're an inside type, an outside type or a medium type, consider whether it's relatively easy for you to put on your muscles. Are you more like a football player (endoplasm) or a marathoner (endoplasm)? Then exercise your body by eating and exercising healthily to keep your body as slim as possible. This will help you develop leg muscles as well as possible.

Using a Fat Caliper

can provide you with a comprehensive measurement of your body fat percentage. You can find a fat caliper at the local sports store or borrow one at the local gym; if you have a fitness specialist to measure it for you, you will get more accurate readings.

Although the measurement of whole body fat is comprehensive, understanding body shape or body shape can help you determine the location of leg muscles or the presence of fat deposits in muscles.

Look in the mirror to determine whether your legs are mainly muscles or fat. A simple way is to look in the mirror. Signs of leg muscle development include a clear line of separation between the hamstrings, quadriceps femoris and calf muscles. Bending the muscles makes these lines clearer. If your legs aren't muscular, this approach may not be as effective because you don't have a definition of muscular development.

