Can weight lifting stimulate bone growth?


Think of the bones in your body as a stick - the bigger the stick, the more difficult it is to break. However, with age, the hormones that produce bone signals begin to decrease, which reduces bone density and makes it more vulnerable to injury. By eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D and exercising in weightlifting, you may be able to stimulate bone growth. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you start weightlifting training.


bodybuilders lifting weights in the gym (picture: Minio/iStock/> TTY Images


can stimulate bone growth in your body: hormone triggering and muscle pulling. As you enter adulthood, hormonal changes can help your bones grow stronger and stronger. Muscles stimulate bone growth more to protect your body. When you lift weights, your muscles pull your bones, and your bones must support the increased weight. To ensure that your body can support future weightlifting training, your body will build new bone cells so that your bones will become stronger.

Bone Mineral Content Study The Department of Health Sciences, jyv_skyl_a University of Finland conducted a review of bone mineral density studies to determine weight lifting and establish the effectiveness of bone mass. The study, published in the April 2006 edition of Clinical Experiments on Ageing, showed that weight-lifting had the greatest impact on young people and adults under 60, resulting in an annual increase in bone mass of 2% to 5%. For people over 60 years of age, weight lifting increases typical bone mass by between 1% and 3%. However, the study did note that weightlifting brings additional benefits related to bone health, such as reducing the risk of falls that can lead to fractures. Weightlifting means moving a free weight or weight-bearing machine to build muscle and bone movements, compared with weight-bearing. This will build bones, just like weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, dancing and racquet sports, will. If you want a way to improve your bone mass, you can also alternate weightlifting and weight-bearing training. Unless you are training and weightlifting competitions, it is better to lift weights every other day to reduce the risk of injury. Warning When your skeleton loses density, you will face the risk of osteoporosis. Although weight lifting can promote bone growth and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, weight lifting alone is not enough to prevent or treat osteoporosis. For this purpose, ask your doctor what physical activity and nutritional options you can make to strengthen your bones.

