Anal fistula and raw food


Diets that include raw fruits, vegetables and nuts can reduce the symptoms of anal fistula and promote wound healing. Feces can cause severe pain and anal fistula, especially if digestive waste is difficult to pass through. The diet for treating anal fistula should emphasize nutritious high-fiber foods, which can relieve defecation and help to form healthy new tissues.



Bacterial infection is usually the root cause of anal fistula, which is an abnormal tunnel opening from the anus to the skin or viscera around the anus. Bacterial infections in the anus or rectum can lead to abscess or abscess formation. If the abscess ruptures, a potential wound may form a fistula. Anal fistula may cause pain and irritation around the rectum and anus, and may cause fever when the body fights infection. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease, which can damage the digestive tract, and patients are prone to anal fistula. Colorectal cancer, diverticulitis, anal or rectal injury or radiotherapy may also lead to anal fistula.

h3>The University of Iowa Health Care Center recommends a high-fibre diet as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for anal fistula. Fiber makes the stool swell, makes defecation easier to pass through, reduces the pressure of anal sphincter, and prevents constipation pain. All-day drinking water and other caffeine-free liquids soften stools and relieve them. Your health care provider may recommend adding Psylla seeds or other natural fiber supplements to your diet to promote intestinal activity and soften digestive waste. A comprehensive treatment plan may also include warm sitz baths and suppositories or ointments to reduce pain and inflammation. If the fistula does not heal quickly, surgery may be needed. Nutritional Benefits Vegetables, fruits and nuts provide vitamins and minerals to support your immune system and accelerate wound healing. Beta-carotene is a plant compound found in orange, yellow, red vegetables and fruits as well as green leafy vegetables. When food is digested, it is converted to vitamin A. Vitamin A supports the integrity of the skin and the tissues that line the body cavity. Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits, tomatoes and many other fruits and vegetables, boosts the immune system and helps your body fight infection. Almonds, cashews and peanuts contain zinc, a mineral that helps new cells form and heal wounds. Produces contain more water-soluble nutrients, such as vitamins B and c, than ripe fruits and vegetables. However, unless you prefer raw foods, eating high-fiber baked, steamed or roasted foods is equally beneficial for healthy digestion and wound healing.

Notes: The University of Maryland Medical Center points out that although the emphasis on raw diet may contribute to the healing of anal fistula, high-fibre foods may aggravate the symptoms of Crohn's disease. If eating raw food can cause stomach gas, indigestion, abdominal distension or abdominal pain, steamed, roasted or boiled vegetables and fruits may be easier to digest. Some nutritious foods eaten raw will increase your risk of foodborne diseases. Although shellfish are rich in zinc, a mineral that promotes wound healing, raw shellfish may contain harmful bacteria and parasites. Discuss with your health care provider or nutritionist a diet that meets your nutritional needs and promotes healing of anal fistula.

