Possible side effects of feeding baby oatmeal


Starting solid food is an exciting milestone in a baby's first year, but it involves many important decisions. You have to decide when to start eating solid food for your baby, how often to feed her, and what food to provide. Understanding the possible side effects of baby oatmeal can help you decide whether to feed this food to your baby.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> for young women who feed oatmeal to babies. (picture: nick_thompson/istock/getty images)

baby oatmeal

According to mayocinic.com, when your baby prepares solid food, you should start with a single baby oatmeal, such as baby oatmeal or rice oatmeal. A flowing cereal - 1 tablespoon oatmeal mixed with 4 or 5 tablespoons of breast milk or formula - provides a good practice for babies to learn how to operate and swallow solid foods. Feeding him iron fortified grains also helps prevent iron deficiency anemia. Babies accumulate iron reserves in the last weeks of pregnancy, but by six months they begin to deplete. allergic reaction infant oatmeal is the preferred food for infants, because the risk of allergic reaction is very low. However, it may still cause allergic reactions as a side effect, especially if it is contaminated with wheat gluten. Symptoms of infant allergies to oatmeal include eczema, measles, diarrhea, vomiting and dyspnea. If your baby is allergic to baby oatmeal, symptoms usually occur within two hours after eating. alleviate constipation dietary changes, such as intake of solid food, will lead to constipation - dry, hard, difficult to pass stool. Especially breast-fed infants, when they begin to eat solid food, they are at risk of constipation, because solid food is more difficult to digest than breast milk. One side effect of feeding baby oatmeal is that it helps soften her stool. Paul, a pediatrician, recommends oatmeal instead of rice for constipated babies, because it has a purgative effect. reduce infant reflux infants with gastroesophageal reflux disease (a severe infant reflux) feel obvious pain and discomfort when eating. They may arched their backs when eating, show irritability when eating, and often spit. Adding baby cereal, such as oatmeal, to a baby's bottle may reduce the side effects of infant reflux. The weight of cereals helps keep milk in the baby's stomach. Discuss with your pediatrician whether baby oatmeal should be added to baby bottles to ensure that treatment is safe for infants.

