Four things you need to know about influenza latency


Seasonal influenza, or influenza, is a highly infectious infection caused by influenza A or B viruses. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the best way to prevent yourself from getting infected with influenza is to vaccinate against influenza once a year and remember to wash your hands frequently. Unfortunately, no preventive measures are 100% effective.


antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir can help alleviate influenza symptoms. (Image: czardases/istock/gettyimages)

If you are infected with influenza, antiviral drugs such as oseltamivir (Duffy), palamivir (Lapivac), zanamivir (Relenza) and barosavir (xluza) - can inhibit the severity of influenza symptoms, accelerate your recovery and reduce you. The condition. Risk of influenza-related complications.


These drugs can also reduce the level of influenza virus in respiratory secretions, thereby reducing the possibility of virus transmission to other people, even during the incubation period.

According to the CDC, oseltamivir and zanamivir are 70% to 90% effective to prevent the development of influenza symptoms if you have been exposed to influenza patients, have not been vaccinated, or have been vaccinated for less than two weeks (less than 48 hours). Weeks before exposure to the virus.

Although these antivirals are very effective in this situation, CDC does not recommend their routine use unless in some cases, such as influenza outbreaks in sanatoriums or other long-term care institutions, and in high-risk populations with weakened immune systems or complicity with influenza. Set up.

