Four ways to interpret fingertip numbness


One of the most common causes of fingertip, hand and wrist numbness is carpal tunnel syndrome. The carpal canal passes through the center of the wrist to accommodate the median nerve innervating the hand. If inflammation of the wrist tissue is caused by trauma or overuse, it may cause pressure on the carpal canal and damage the median nerve. If you suspect that you have carpal tunnel problems, see your doctor's physical examination and electronic diagnostic test for repeated activities, such as typing, assembly line work or racket movement. Once you are diagnosed with the disease, your doctor may recommend splinting your hand, local corticosteroid injections or surgery to restore the carpal tunnel opening. When the nerves begin to heal, your pain should ease and your fingers, hands and wrists will feel better.


Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common causes of fingertip, hand and wrist numbness. The carpal canal passes through the center of the wrist to accommodate the median nerve innervating the hand. If inflammation of the wrist tissue is caused by trauma or overuse, it may cause pressure on the carpal canal and damage the median nerve. If you suspect that you have carpal tunnel problems, see your doctor's physical examination and electronic diagnostic test for repeated activities, such as typing, assembly line work or racket movement. Once you are diagnosed with the disease, your doctor may recommend splinting your hand, local corticosteroid injections or surgery to restore the carpal tunnel opening. When the nerves begin to heal, your pain should ease and your fingers, hands and wrists will feel better.

