Three methods for treatment of axillary fungal infection


Although axillary fungal infections are rare, they can become quite serious as long as conditions are right. Your doctor needs to assess your condition to come up with the most effective treatment, but relatively mild axillary fungal infections are usually treated with topical antifungal cream or ointment. Nystatin, toluene sulfonic acid, imidazole and naftidine are the most commonly used antifungal creams. Your treatment regimen may last for about three weeks. You need to apply ointment two or three times a day (or as directed). Be sure to follow the instructions strictly and continue treatment under re-guidance. If you stop treatment prematurely, fungal infections will relapse quickly, even if they seem to have been cleared.


span= "article-image inner caption-class"> fungal infection (picture: anto_diaz/ock/images)

Although axillary fungal infections are rare, they can become quite serious as long as conditions are right. Your doctor needs to assess your condition to come up with the most effective treatment, but relatively mild axillary fungal infections are usually treated with topical antifungal cream or ointment. Nystatin, toluene sulfonic acid, imidazole and naftidine are the most commonly used antifungal creams. Your treatment regimen may last for about three weeks. You need to apply ointment two or three times a day (or as directed). Be sure to follow the instructions strictly and continue treatment under re-guidance. If you stop treatment prematurely, fungal infections will relapse quickly, even if they seem to have been cleared.

