6 Best Six-Pack Abs Workout at Home


6UPPER ABS: Crunch


Starting Position:

Lie down with your knees bent, your arms bent behind your head, and your lower back pressed into the floor.

The Exercise:

Exhale, and take two counts to lift your shoulder and chest. Inhale, and take two counts to lower your shoulders to the point where they almost, but do not quite, touch the floor. Immediately continue with the second rep.

Make sure that you do not pull on your neck; concentrate on relaxing your head back into the palms of your hands and on keeping your chin up as you lift.

5UPPER ABS: Extended Leg Crunch

Starting Position:

Lie down with your legs extended and your arms bent behind your head.

The Exercise:

Exhale, and take two counts to lift your shoulder and chest. Inhale, and take two counts to lower your shoulders to the point where they almost, but do not quite, touch the floor. Immediately continue with the second rep.

Make sure that you do not pull on your neck; concentrate on relaxing your head back into the palms of your hands and on keeping your chin up as you lift.

4LOWER ABS: Reverse Crunch

Starting Position:

Lie down with your legs extended and your arms bent behind your head.

The Exercise:

Exhale, and take two counts to lift your butt up just a couple of inches, pressing your heels toward the ceiling. Inhale, and take two counts to lower your butt back to the floor. Immediately continue with the second rep.

To increase intensity, you can add a lift in the shoulders or chest at the same time you lift your hips.


3LOWER ABS: Bent Knee Reverse Crunch

Starting Position:

Lie down with your legs lifted and bent at a 90-degree angle, and your arms extended.

The Exercise:

Exhale, and take two counts to bring your knees in toward your chest, focusing on using the lower part of your abdominals to execute the movement. Inhale, and take two counts to return your legs to the starting position. Immediately continue with the second rep.

To increase intensity, you can add a lift in the shoulders or chest at the same time you bring your knees in.

2OBLIQUES: Bicycle

Starting Position:

Lie down with your legs lifted and bent at a 90-degree angle, and your arms bend behind your head.

The Exercise:

Exhale, and take two counts to lift your shoulders, twisting over to your right knee while you extend the left leg. Inhale, and lower to the starting position. Exhale, and take two counts to lift your shoulders, twisting over to your left knee while you extend your right leg. Inhale, and lower to the starting position.

When you twist, lead with your shoulder to avoid pulling on your neck.



Starting Position:

Lie down with your right leg crossed over the top of your left knee. Your left arm is bent behind your head and your right arm remains on the floor.

The Exercise:

Exhale, and take two counts to raise your left shoulder up and over to the right knee, keeping your left elbow straight at all times. Inhale, and take two counts to lower to the starting position.

When you twist, lead with your shoulder to avoid pulling on your neck, and use your mind to focus on your waist.

