Neonatal nosebleeds


Bringing your children home is a happy and exciting experience. You need to monitor your newborn closely so that you can act quickly when she has health problems. Neonatal nosebleeds are quite common, usually by simple methods. However, if your newborn has experienced severe bleeding and continues despite intervention, please call your pediatrician immediately. This may be a sign of a more serious problem.


span= "article-image_u caption-inner"> one or two nostrils may bleed. According to Benjamin Spock, author of Doctor Spock's Baby and Child Care, most nosebleeds are harmless, such as sne. Asthma or allergy. For some babies, too dry air can cause nosebleeds. In this case, the humidifier can help prevent the recurrence of nosebleeds. Newborns sometimes stick their fingers into their noses, causing nosebleeds.

According to the University of Minnesota Medical Center, infant epistaxis is rarely severe. However, intervention is necessary to control bleeding. Keep the baby upright and head forward to prevent blood from flowing into the throat. Gently apply pressure on the soft part of your nose with your thumb and forefinger. Keep for 5 to 10 minutes to form thrombus.

It takes time for the blood vessels in the nose to recover after epistaxis in the newborn. UMMC explained that this could take several days. During this time, your baby is more likely to have nosebleeds, so extra care is needed. To reduce the risk of recurrent nosebleeds, avoid touching or blowing your nose for a few days.

Medical Care

Spock explained that in very few cases, more serious conditions can lead to nasal bleeding in infants, such as coagulation disorders. Infection is another cause, usually accompanied by fever. If your newborn has nosebleeds, see a doctor immediately. If your baby often bleeds from the nose, and the bleeding time is longer than usual, please call the pediatrician.

gloves are the most commonly used soft cotton gloves. They cover baby's hands and prevent newborns from scratching themselves, which helps protect their sensitive skin. Neonatal pajamas and hand masks are widely available. You can also find single gloves. Neonatal baby's hand mask can prevent the baby from scratching the inside of the nose when the nose heals.

